The Rosary Society fosters devotion to Mary through prayer, and good works for causes that would be dear to her heart.
The St. Mary's Rosary Society is an organization for women of our parish who are devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Its primary purpose is to encourage the prayer of the Rosary; to promote fellowship, support, and spirituality among its members; and to generously donate our time, talent, and treasure to causes and needs within our parish.
We are, truly, women -- of Prayer: by striving to pray the Rosary at least weekly, and to bring awareness of the special graces that Our Lady’s Rosary can bring.
-- who Share: by enjoying many activities and events throughout the year, with opportunities for prayer, support, and friendship.
-- who Care: by helping to donate to worthy causes where needed in our parish, mostly from the proceeds of our single annual fundraiser, our Christmas Dinner.
Meetings are held most months in the St. John Paul II Room of the Parish Ministry Center on Wednesdays. The dates for 2024-2025 are as follows:
November 6 at 6:15pm
December 11 at 6:15pm
February 5 at 6:15pm
March 12 at 6:15 PM
April 9 - Time TBD
May 7 at 6:15pm
Refreshments will be served, and all are welcome to attend. Dates will appear in the weekly parish bulletin, and reminders will be sent to members via email.
The Rosary Society welcomes all women who are registered parishioners of St. Mary’s (in good standing).
Prospective members, those women who wish to learn more about our group, are encouraged to attend our “New Members Welcome Breakfast,” held each March. The next date for this event is Wednesday, April 9, 2025, in the St. John Paul II Room. All are welcome. Please refer to the Parish Bulletin for more information in early April.
New members are inducted at a special Mass at the Church of Saint Mary each April (in conjunction with our Communion Brunch). The upcoming Induction Mass and Communion Brunch is planned for Sunday, May 4, 2025.
Please contact Prinzipia G. Duggan at 516-526-0790 or by E-mail. for questions or additional information. Participation in any of our events is open to all.
Dues are $35.00 per year.
Opening Mass
Recitation of the Most Holy Rosary with Mass at Noon
Our Lady of Grace
Flu Shot Clinic
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19 (after the 5:00 PM Mass)
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20 (before and after all Masses except the 7:30 AM Mass)
Church of Saint Mary Parish Ministry Center
Marian Room
Sponsored by the Rosary Society and Rite Aid Pharmacy, Port Washington
Musical Rosary
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27 | immediately following the 12:00 PM Mass
Church of Saint Mary
Movie Night
Church of Saint Mary Parish Ministry Center
Marian Room
Christmas Dinner
Strathmore Vanderbilt Country Club
Rosary 101
Church of Saint Mary Parish Ministry Center
Marian Room
Lenten Soup Supper and Stations of the Cross
Hosted by the Daughters of Mary
Date/Time TBA
Lenten Day of Recollection
SATURDAY, MARCH 8 | 11:30 AM Mass & Recollection with Light Lunch to Follow
Church of Saint Mary
Church of Saint Mary Parish Ministry Center
Marian Room
New Members Welcome Breakfast (with regular meeting)
Church of Saint Mary Parish Ministry Center
St. John Paul II Room
Communion Mass, May Crowning
and Brunch
SUNDAY, MAY 4 | 9:00 AM Mass with Induction of New Members
Church of Saint Mary
Brunch to Follow
Closing Mass
Church of Saint Mary
Details TBA
President: Prinzipia G. Duggan
Vice-President: Joanne Wachowicz
Treasurer: Susan Martinez
Membership: Ann Marie Keating
Secretary: Alaina Finamore
Past President: Marijo Lantier
Ranger Rosaries: Judy Iacono