As we look ahead to the new school year, we would like to bring attention to the traditional practices followed in the Church to help Confirmandi prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation. This is a most special time in the Catholic faith life. Baptism, the Eucharist and confirmation together constitute the Sacraments of Christian Initiation. Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace. By the sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit.
Families will be notified as soon as the assigned date for the administration of the Sacrament of Confirmation has been issued. Below are the download ready forms to complete the necessary assignments to prepare accordingly.
Preparing for Confirmation (Assignments)
1. Letter to the Pastor
Write a letter to Fr. Bob stating your reasons for requesting the Sacrament. Who is Jesus Christ to you? Are you consciously meeting the guidelines for receiving Confirmation? Indicate why you believe that prayer, attending Mass each Sunday and Christian service are necessary and vital parts of being a confirmed Catholic. Please use the provided form as a template for writing the letter to our Pastor and return it to the Office of Religious Education by February 28, 2025. Click the highlighted text to download the 2025 Letter to the Pastor.
2. Selection of Confirmation Name & Essay
Reflecting on the choice of a saint name that serves as a sacred reminder of the sacrament and the type of Christian he/she wants to be is a blessed experience. Confirmandi many want to recommit to the baptismal name, especially after reflecting on its meaning and discovering the great people who share the same name in Church history. After all, Confirmation is really the completion of Baptism. Whether a Saint name or baptismal name is selected, explore quite thoroughly the root meaning of the name, for as Scripture says, “Yahweh calls each of us by name.”
All candidates must submit an essay, 250-300 words, about the saint they have chosen, a brief biography of their life, when their feast day is, and why the candidate chose them as their confirmation saint. It may be helpful to answer these questions in your own words: How does your chosen saint impact your life? What about them or their lives make you want to be like them?
Please use the provided form to affirm the selected Confirmation Name/Saint Essay and return it to the Office of Religious Education by March 14, 2025. Click the highlighted text to download the 2025 Confirmation Name + Essay.
3. Selection of Sponsor
Confirmandi must select a Sponsor and have them complete the Sponsorship Form. This individual should be someone that can spiritually guide the candidate during this important sacrament preparation and throughout their faith journey. Keep in mind that a sponsor must be a practicing Catholic, fully initiated in the Catholic Church, 16 years of age or older, and may not be the candidate’s parent.
Please use the provided form to affirm the selected Sponsor Name and return it to the Office of Religious Education by March 14, 2025. Click the highlighted text to download the 2025 Choice for Confirmation Sponsor.
4. Candidate Volunteer Service Hours
Jesus has invited us to come and follow Him. To walk in his footsteps and follow his way of life means that we must reach out and serve others as He did – with care, concern, compassion and love. To do this, Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit. The grace of the Holy Spirit manifested to us in the Sacrament of Confirmation unleashes for us our God given talents and gifts, our own special and unique ways of serving others. They are given for the building up of the Church, the Body of Christ.
What are your God given talents and gifts? Sit down with your parents and/or sponsor and make list of your unique qualities and skills! What service have you recently done that you really enjoyed and would be willing do to again? Remember Christian service includes caring for the needs of our family, neighborhood, school, Church and larger community.
Please use the provided form to affirm the selected Confirmation Name/Saint Essay and return it to the Office of Religious Education by March 14, 2025. Click the highlighted text to download the 2025 Confirmation Service Hours Form.
5. 2025 Confirmation Form and Gown Order
All students preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Church of St. Mary in the Spring, and who are properly disposed to do so, are required to fill-out the 2025 Confirmation and Gown Order Form by Tuesday, February 28, 2025.
The Sacrament Fee for Confirmation is $150 (in total), and that can be made out via check to ‘St. Mary’s Religious Education.’ All students are required to provide the Office of Religious Education with a copy of the Baptismal Certificate. The Office is not able to make copies of certificates provided by email. A copy of the Baptismal Certificate is still required for students baptized at St. Mary’s Parish.
Thank you in advance for supporting the Program, and please kindly submit payment by the aforementioned date.